ただいま表示中: サモア - 郵便切手 (1970 - 1979) - 22 切手.
19. 1月 WM: 4 ミシン目: 14½
![[The 8th Anniversary of Independence, タイプ EG]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Samoa/Postage-stamps/EG-s.jpg)
![[The 8th Anniversary of Independence, タイプ EH]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Samoa/Postage-stamps/EH-s.jpg)
![[The 8th Anniversary of Independence, タイプ EI]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Samoa/Postage-stamps/EI-s.jpg)
![[The 8th Anniversary of Independence, タイプ EJ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Samoa/Postage-stamps/EJ-s.jpg)
27. 4月 WM: 4 ミシン目: 14
![[Historical Events - Great Apia Hurricane of 1889, タイプ EK]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Samoa/Postage-stamps/EK-s.jpg)
![[Historical Events - Great Apia Hurricane of 1889, タイプ EL]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Samoa/Postage-stamps/EL-s.jpg)
![[Historical Events - Great Apia Hurricane of 1889, タイプ EM]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Samoa/Postage-stamps/EM-s.jpg)
![[Historical Events - Great Apia Hurricane of 1889, タイプ EN]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Samoa/Postage-stamps/EN-s.jpg)
![[Airmail - International Air Passenger and Airmail Service on the occasion of the Opening of the Regular Service between Apia and Asau, タイプ EO]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Samoa/Postage-stamps/EO-s.jpg)
![[Airmail - International Air Passenger and Airmail Service on the occasion of the Opening of the Regular Service between Apia and Asau, タイプ EP]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Samoa/Postage-stamps/EP-s.jpg)
![[Airmail - International Air Passenger and Airmail Service on the occasion of the Opening of the Regular Service between Apia and Asau, タイプ EQ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Samoa/Postage-stamps/EQ-s.jpg)
![[Airmail - International Air Passenger and Airmail Service on the occasion of the Opening of the Regular Service between Apia and Asau, タイプ ER]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Samoa/Postage-stamps/ER-s.jpg)
![[The 200th Anniversary of Captain James Cook's Exploration of the Pacific, タイプ ES]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Samoa/Postage-stamps/ES-s.jpg)
![[The 200th Anniversary of Captain James Cook's Exploration of the Pacific, タイプ ET]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Samoa/Postage-stamps/ET-s.jpg)
![[The 200th Anniversary of Captain James Cook's Exploration of the Pacific, タイプ EU]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Samoa/Postage-stamps/EU-s.jpg)
![[The 200th Anniversary of Captain James Cook's Exploration of the Pacific, タイプ EV]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Samoa/Postage-stamps/EV-s.jpg)
26. 10月 WM: なし ミシン目: 13½
![[Christmas - Paintings, タイプ EW]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Samoa/Postage-stamps/EW-s.jpg)
![[Christmas - Paintings, タイプ EX]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Samoa/Postage-stamps/EX-s.jpg)
![[Christmas - Paintings, タイプ EY]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Samoa/Postage-stamps/EY-s.jpg)
![[Christmas - Paintings, タイプ EZ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Samoa/Postage-stamps/EZ-s.jpg)
29. 11月 WM: 4 ミシン目: 14½
![[Visit of Pope Paul VI to Samoa, タイプ FA]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Samoa/Postage-stamps/FA-s.jpg)
![[Visit of Pope Paul VI to Samoa, タイプ FA1]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Samoa/Postage-stamps/FA1-s.jpg)
ただいま表示中: サモア - 郵便切手 (1970 - 1979) - 22 切手.
19. 1月 WM: 4 ミシン目: 14½
27. 4月 WM: 4 ミシン目: 14
26. 10月 WM: なし ミシン目: 13½
29. 11月 WM: 4 ミシン目: 14½